Tickets – MOONEYE Berlin
When Mooneye first surfaces in 2019, as one of the winners in a talent contest on Belgium’s biggest alternative radio station StuBru, everyone instantly feels that the band formed by Michiel Libberecht has what it takes to become a big indie act. An eponymous EP, three radio hit singles and a busy summer festival later, the band is ready for the Real Deal.
When the world comes to a standstill in 2020, Mooneye works hard to complete their debut album. In the fall of that year they release the album’s first single ‘Bright Lights’ (with a wonderful contribution from fellow label artist Meskerem Mees), a sparkling earworm that is enthusiastically received by fans and radio stations alike. “This undeniably is the odd one out on the album”, Libberecht says about the remarkably cheerful tune. “The rest of the album will be gloomier.”
Enter follow-up ‘Fix the Heater’ in the spring of 2021, a distinctly darker chapter in the band’s new story, and yet also vintage Mooneye. Music fans clearly approve, as the song stays in the leading alternative charts De Afrekening for 18 weeks straight, and turns out to be the perfect last song during live performances, leaving the audience delirious.
In summer the third single and title track ‘Big Enough’ heads down the home stretch to the release of the debut album. The song shows yet another and instantly appealing melodic side of Mooneye, reminiscent of Travis or early Coldplay.
“Clearly, there’s a great deal of variety in the ten songs on ‘Big Enough’, which will be released on 10 September”, Libberecht explains. “Both musically and lyrically. From cheerful to melancholy and everything in- between. Of course there’s a common thread on the album, and the songs are also all very personal. A lot of the songs are about despair, growing up and the search for your place in the world. But safe in the knowledge that everything will turn out alright in the end.”
Einlass nur mit 2G
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Admission only with „2G“
Admission to the event is only allowed for fully vaccinated persons (at least 14 days after the second vaccination and with a vaccine approved in the EU),